Customizing Muzi
  1. Installing Muzi
  2. Recommended Stuff
  3. Editing the Logo
  4. Editing the Menu & Footer
  5. Post Indexer Widget
  6. Adding your own theme colors and styles
  7. Cookie Consent
  8. Google Analytics
  9. SEO

1. Installing Muzi

To install Muzi, simply add

remote_theme: IbraheemR/Muzi

to your _config.yml file. Make sure no other theme or remote_theme value is set

These are a few things we recommend you do to make Muzi easier to use

2.1 .gitignore

If you haven’t got one already, we’d recommend you have a .gitignore file to tell Git which files don’t need to be in your site’s repository:


2.2 Page defaults

By default Muzi only includes a default theme. To automatically use this for all your pages add the following lines to your _config.yml file, or merge them with your existing front matter defaults:

      path: ""
      layout: "default"

3. Editing the Logo & Favicon

logo: /assets/<your logo>
banner_logo: /assets/<your logo>
favicon: /assets/<you favicon>

4.1 To edit the menu override the menu.html include.

  1. If you don’t have one already create an /_includes/ folder in your site’s root.
  2. Create a file called menu.html
  3. Add your links in the following format:
<!-- Left (Top on mobile) aligned links -->
<a href="/" class="menuitem">Home</a>
<a href="/blog/" class="menuitem">Blog</a>
<a href="" class="menuitem">Customize</a>
<a href="" class="menuitem">GitHub</a>

<!-- Right (Bottom on mobile) aligned links -->
<span class="right">
  <a href="" class="menuitem">by Ibraheem Rodrigues</a>
  <a href="" class="menuitem">Donate</a>

You do not need to specify any other HTML (<html>, <head>, <body>, etc.), only what is in th example above. Refer to the source for an example

  1. If you don’t have one already create an /_includes/ folder in your site’s root.
  2. Create a file called footer.html
  3. Add your text in the following format
<!-- Left aligned text -->
<span class="left">
  &copy; Ibraheem Rodrigues 2018

<!-- Right aligned text -->
<span class="right">
  P.S Thanks Miller

5. Post Indexer Widget


Muzi comes with a widget to index posts, or anything else from a collection. If a title, description, pubdate or image is present in the page’s front matter this will be displayed

  1. Add the following code to the page (.md or .html)
     {% include post_indexer.html %}
  2. By default the indexer will display all posts from the _posts directory. If you want to display a different collection use the following code:
     {% include post_indexer.html group=site.{{collection here}}%}

    This can also be used to only display a certain subset of posts, using the slice filter or pagination.

6. Adding your own theme colors and styles

  1. Create a file called /assets/css/style.scss in your site’s repository.
  2. Add the following code to the file:

     // Config variables here
     // e.g.
     $theme-color: red;
     @import "{{ site.theme }}";
     // New styles or anything else here
  3. Add your desired new theme colors or other customization variables (see the source for help) below the two front matter lines and above the @import statement.
    • We’d recommend you choose a high saturation color for your theme color. royalblue, red, violet and green work well.
  4. Add you new styles or anything else (@import statements, mixins, etc) below the @import statement. See the SASS guide for help.

If your site serves cookies to viewers in the EU, its a legal requirement that you notify your users of this (see more). Muzi makes this easy for you, using the cookie consent tool by Insites. Simply add the following line to your _config.yml file:

cookie_consent: true

If you wish to change the displayed message or Learn more link add the following lines as well:

cookie_message: We use cookies to feed everyone # Disclaimer: Don't actually put something like this
cookie_link: /cookie_policy/

8. Google Analytics

Using Google Analytics? We’ve got you covered!

Just add your tracking id to _config.yml:

analytics_id: UA-294620-2

If you use analytics, Muzi will automatically display a cookie consent message.